Find the perfect partners and suppliers to grow your B2B company
Finding the right partners and suppliers makes the difference. Reliable trade suppliers and partners save you money, increase your margins and give you the confidence to provide your customers with quality products and services, on time, so you are far more competitive!
+53M companies
in +60 countries - 7000 verified with a Kompass trust certificate
- Divided into 67 activity sectors
- Over 55,000 products & services
Solutions to accurately connect you with suppliers and partners
When relying on suppliers in B2B trade, locally or globally, it is important to find credible suppliers you can trust. It's easier said than done. Locally, or from distance, how do you know their reputation, and if they will do what they say in a timely fashion? With our Global B2B Online Business Directory, International Trade Services and solutions like EasyBusiness, we take the guesswork out of the equation for you giving you peace of mind.

Our solutions
Why the Global B2B Directory?
- We connect buyers with trusted and verified suppliers and partners
- Uniquely powerful & accurate company profiling using Kompass classifications
- Kompass directory’s organized structure means you can better segment your target markets
- This B2B portal helps you create precise and more effective purchasing strategies.
Why EasyBusiness?
- Access a highly structured, constantly updated database
- 60 criteria to find the right partners thanks to precise, highly detailed segmentation
- +53 million companies, 77 million managers
- An intuitive interface accompanies you from A to Z
Tested. Proven
Streamline the way you connect with suppliers and partners. Less time wasted, more time to focus on your success.
- We connect buyers with trusted and verified suppliers and partners
- Uniquely powerful & accurate company profiling using Kompass classifications
- Kompass directory’s organized structure means you can better segment your target markets
- This B2B portal helps you create precise and more effective purchasing strategies.
- Access a highly structured, constantly updated database
- 60 criteria to find the right partners thanks to precise, highly detailed segmentation
- +53 million companies, 77 million managers
- An intuitive interface accompanies you from A to Z
Our resource materials
We love to share our knowledge and resources wherever we can