8 Tips for Creating an Effective Email Blast

What’s your email conversion rate? If you don’t know it, then you won’t be getting the most out of your email blast. Across industries, only a fraction of emails get opened. And of these emails, an even smaller percentage actually convert to leads or sales. But you can significantly improve your ability to meet your goals. You […]

What’s your email conversion rate?

If you don’t know it, then you won’t be getting the most out of your email blast.

Across industries, only a fraction of emails get opened. And of these emails, an even smaller percentage actually convert to leads or sales. But you can significantly improve your ability to meet your goals.

You can do this by taking the steps to create effective emails.

Optimize your email blast with these 8 tips.

1. It All Starts with the Subject Line

33% of people will open an email based on subject line alone.

If you’re still working on brand awareness, that means you still have the power. If you’re well beyond that, you have the power too.

When your email pops into an inbox, you have around an 80-90% chance of being seen. This is your opportunity to get attention.

But some subject lines are clearly much more effective than others.

6-10 word subject lines have a 21% open rate when combined with effective copy.

Simpler isn’t better. Subject lines written at a university level actually have a 7% higher open rate. So don’t shy away from big words or more complex ideas that the average BA graduate should know. Just make sure the message is clear and concise. University level doesn’t mean wordy and pretentious.

Some words that increase open rates: Alert, Free, Tomorrow, {no subject}, Sale, Video, New, Daily, Weekly, Re:.

Some words that decrease open rates: You, Quick, Meeting, Fw:, Newsletter, Monthly

Personalized subject lines are 22% more likely to be opened.

Avoid all caps.

2. Be Concise & Impactful

Email copy must create the right experience. It must flow from the attention grabbing subject line down to the call to action. A customer should feel compelled to open it, read it, keeping read it and then do what you ask them to do.

When writing copy, you should obsess over every word. Look for any language that may cause the reader to stumble or lose interest. We’ll go into more detail throughout this article.

3. Skip the Formalities

“Hi. I hope you’re having an amazing summer.”

It sounds real, inviting and personable. But it’s actually not effective for an email blast.

Every word should count. Anything other than a clear message can sidetrack your target.

What your customer’s thinking when they read this: “Oh yes, I am having an amazing summer. I think I’ll book a trip to the beach instead of reading this email.”

4. Personalize it

Obviously, you can’t individually compose each email.

But there are several things you can do to make them seem more personal. And it goes well beyond including a client’s name in your email. After all, this is actually not that effective anymore if it’s your sole go-to for personalization.

Instead, expand your personalization in impactful and fully automated ways.

Ask some questions during sign up that will allow you send the right blast emails to the right people.

Remember, not to let anything get between you and the lead, though. Requiring them to take of a survey before you capture the email might lose the lead. But by asking some a couple questions immediately after, you can better personalize the experience.

Recognize exactly where that customer is in the buyer’s journey. You can design an email specific to where a set of leads are. Did they just watch a video? Inquire about your service? Abandon their cart?

Using tags (cookies) you can now send the right pre-designed message at the right time to convert.

Get Intimate

Don’t just send an email from a company. Include a picture of a person, name, title under the closing to make this feel more like a personal email.

The pic should follow some guidelines:

  • Smile with a squint
  • Dress for the role
  • Make eye contact

You can further automate personalizations like:

  • Adding the recipient’s city
  • Mentioning a recent activity

You can also try sending the image and name of someone that that person has worked with in your company along with your message.

5. Focus On The Customer’s Needs

Email copy never begins by telling the person what you’re offering.

It should always start by addressing the customer’s challenges.

What problem are you solving? Why is the person receiving this email going to love what you have to offer? How will this limited time opportunity benefit the recipient?

6. Demonstrate That You’re Current & Relevant

Are you using old email templates? Does your language seem dated or refer to events from the past that suggest it was meant for another time?

Why is this email important to this reader at this moment in time?

For an email blast campaign, reference a recent industry trend or currently hot issue that matters to the target to demonstrate that you keep up. Establish yourself as a thought leader on what matters to your customer.

7. Have a Clear Call to Action

An email blast should have one clear CTA. Everything should be leading up to this, so that when the recipient arrives, they can’t help but click.

Your CTA should be:

  • In the imperative
  • Clear and concise
  • Clearly visible, through a different font or color

Some examples would be:

  • Don’t miss this offer
  • Find out how
  • Start your free trial
  • Be the first to try it
  • Get more leads

8. Do A/B Testing Before the Blast

Once you send an email blast, you don’t get a redo. Resending the same blast out again will seem desperate and unprofessional. You have to get this right the first time.

Instead, create 2 — or a handful — of similar emails with clear differences. Send them to 5-10% of your mailing list.

Which one had the best open rate? That’s your subject line!

Which one achieved the highest click through? That’s your email body!

You’re now ready to send an optimized email blast.

Optimize Your Email Blast with the Right Leads

With these 8 tips you can improve your open and conversion rates to get the most out of your email campaign.

Find out how sending your optimized emails to higher quality leads can transform your conversion rate. Get access to a global database of qualified leads by contacting us today.


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